Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy

We, as EGE KABLO (Corporate) (the ‘‘Company’’) which acts in the capacity of data supervisor, hereby submit the following matters to your information within the scope of the obligation of disclosure in order to ensure that we act in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law (‘‘Law’’) with respect to the personal data we obtain from our customers / potential customers.

Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data

Your personal data may be collected physically and electronically, in accordance with the basic principles stipulated by the Law and the personal data processing requirements and purposes stipulated in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law, on the grounds that you are a customer of the Company, for reasons stipulated by law and for the performance of the contractual relationship, within the framework of the execution of our activities and the functioning and development of our services.

Data relating to your visit to and use of the website,
(Data such as your IP address, geographical location, web browser type, originating source, duration of your visit and number of page/content impressions we obtain during your visit to our website)
Data related to all kinds of transactions and applications you perform through the website

The personal data listed above that you provide to this website (collectively, ‘‘Your Data’’) are processed by the Company for the following purposes:

  • To recognize your computer when you visit the site again and thus make your visit more efficient by personalizing the site;
  • To understand your eligibility for receiving an offer and to contact you on the subject.
  • Following the submission of the relevant offer, in the event that an agreement is concluded between us, the aforementioned information will also be used for the purposes listed below:
  • To carry out the offer preparation process and notify the approval of the agreement.

The Use of Cookies on the Website

This website utilizes cookies. Text files sent by the web server to the web browser and saved by the browser are referred to as cookies, and these files are sent back to the server whenever the browser requests them from the server, so that the web server can identify and track your browser. We hereby declare that we may send you cookies to be saved on the hard disc of your computer and that we may use the information we obtain from these cookies for the purposes of managing the site and increasing the usefulness of our website. Furthermore, our advertisement providers may also send you cookies.

Most browsers have settings to prevent the acceptance of cookies. You can check the help files of your browser for this purpose. However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that in case you do not accept cookies, the usability of the site will be significantly reduced when you use many websites, including our website.

To Whom and For What Purposes the Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred

Your personal data that have been collected may be transferred to dealers, suppliers and legally authorized public institutions and private persons in line with the purposes described in Article 2 of this Clarification Text, as limited only to the purposes stipulated in the Policy on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data and this Clarification Text, which has been created by the Data Supervisor within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law and which has been published on the website egekablo.com. Moreover, your personal data may also be transferred within the framework of Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, provided that the necessary security precautions have been taken and limited to the purposes stated in this Clarification Text.

The Security of Personal Data

In accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation in force, the Company has undertaken the responsibility for establishing the necessary organization and taking and adapting technical precautions in order to protect the privacy and integrity of the information in the capacity of data supervisor. We would like to inform you that we periodically update our personal data processing policies in parallel with our obligation in this respect.

Necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of your personal information and opinions. However, since the flow of data over the internet is inherently insecure, we are unable to guarantee the security of the flow of this data over the internet. Therefore, it remains under your responsibility to keep your password confidential. The management of the website has no access to your password without your knowledge and consent.

Method and Legal Grounds for Collecting Personal Data

Your data may be collected through automatic or non-automatic methods in accordance with the performance of the contractual relationship or for various other reasons stipulated by law. Your data are collected by or through the Company for legal reasons that constitute the basis for you to disclose your data to us and for the fulfilment of the objectives specified in Article 2 of this Clarification Text.

Your personal data collected based on these legal grounds may also be processed by the Company without your explicit consent, in the event that it is necessary to process personal data belonging to the parties to the agreement, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of an agreement pursuant to Articles 5/2-c and e of the Law, and that data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms.

Your personal data may also be processed and transferred to others for the purposes stipulated in Articles 2 and 3 of this Clarification Text pursuant to Article 5/1 of the Law, based on your explicit consent.

Rights of the Data Owners

  • Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, the employee whose personal data are processed may apply to EGE KABLO Corporate and make requests regarding the following issues:
  • Learn whether her/his personal data are processed or not;
  • Demand information regarding processing of her/his personal data in case it is processed;
  • Learn the reason why her/his personal data are processed and whether her/his personal data are used according to declared purposes or not;
  • Learn the third parties to whom her/his personal data are transferred within the borders of our country or abroad;
  • Ask for correction in case her/his personal data are processed deficiently or improperly, and request that the transactions made pursuant to this be notified to third parties to whom her/his personal data have been transferred;
  • Request her/his personal data to be deleted, destroyed or anonymized in the event that the reasons requiring the processing of personal data cease to exist, and request that the transactions made within this scope be notified to third parties to whom her/his personal data have been transferred;
  • Object to any negative consequence that the data owner faces due to the fact that her/his personal data have been exclusively analyzed through automated systems;
  • Demand to be indemnified in case she/he suffers a loss resulting from the fact that her/his personal data have been processed illegally.

For any question, you are welcome to contact us at egekablo.com